Ok, so I am pretty down with the whole video content production thing, and my sideline business Pyro Productions is doing pretty well.

I've started shooting some content in 4k, mainly because in the particular area I am working in being able to shoot a bit wider and then crop in is a very nice to have!

So will all this 4k content floating around my system I thought I would try and output some to play on a 4k TV. This is where it gets interesting. I don't have a 4K capable TV at the moment, so I can't play around. So I guess my question is if you don't have a 4K TV that is abel to playback content form it's USB port, what options are there for the average Joe out there? I've seen a very expensive box from Sony, and something from Red. The Nvidia Shield seems to support streaming 4K but I can't find out if it will playback local content.

Anyone have experience with this stuff?

