I liked that story, and even tweeted a link to it when I saw the story. You're right, it's a really good explanation of the situation, and why last Saturday was important, for those who might not have known about what was going on.
Some people rightfully took that particular story to task for misrepresenting the history of the Hugos and SF a little bit. In particular, it made it seem like SF was only ever made by old straight white guys until very recently. The truth is that women and minorities and LGBT folks have been in SF all along, their voices were just not heard as well until recently.
Despite that quibble, I think it was a well written story which makes this situation very clear to the layman, and it's particularly good at using direct quotes from the puppies themselves, something that a lot of other writeups aren't doing.
The morning after the awards, I did a google news search about the Hugos, to see what the coverage was like. The two top hits were that one, and the top blog post by one of the puppies crowing how they'd "won".