I'm guessing that this is for Tony, but there might be some Reaper folks out there.

I'm using the evaluation version of Reaper, v5.04 on a Windows 10 core i7 Toshiba laptop. I'm having a problem with MIDI.

The MIDI out of the Roland D-50 is connected to an E-Mu USB midi adapter, to the MIDI in. The MIDI out of the E-Mu goes to a Proteus FX. (Yes, I know, buncha legacy gear).

If I add a midi track in Reaper, and set it to say MIDI channel 10, and have my Proteus set to receive data on channel 10, I expect to be able to select that track in Reaper, and have the Proteus make noise. It doesn't.

If I record, I see that MIDI events are silently being recorded. Then, on playback, I can hear what was recorded.

It just seems to me that I should be able to select a MIDI track, and be able to play whatever synth voice is configured for that track.
Tom C