Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'm currently considering getting her the $999 version of the new Dell XPS 13.
No doubt I am displaying my invincible naivete here, but I bought one of these for SWMBO, and it has proven to be quite satisfactory, at about a quarter of the price.

No, it isn't as powerful as the Dell, but then how much power do you really need? Certainly it isn't as well made, it is actually somewhat cheap and flimsy, but handled with reasonable care there should be no problems. Overall, it is not as good a computer, but for a quarter of the price, I don't expect it to be.

In two years you can take half of the $730 you saved and purchase a new laptop that will be better than the current Dell is today.


My 12 year old son uses my 10 year old thinkpad. Still works nicely, though the battery is shot. He doesn't really mind - he likes to hide in the basement and doesn't really want to rove around the house with it. He's asking for windows 10, though.

Old tech can hold up with modest demands and a little bit of love...
