A year and a half later, Swift is up to version 2.1.

The announcement earlier this year of it going open source has happened now, and swift.org is the main site for it. Impressively, the commit history going back to Swift's creation in 2010 is fully preserved and part of this. All future development will happen directly on GitHub, similar to how the WebKit team has worked in the open.

Someone from HackerNews summarized the open source aspect, and to me it looks great.
Apache 2.0 License + Runtime Library Exception + copyright owned by the contributor (i.e. no assignment or CLA) + good community structure and documentation + code of conduct.

Also useful, a new Foundation project is part of the open source release. It's not tied to the Objective-C based foundation libraries common to only OS X and iOS, instead meant to help cross platform compatibility without the NextStep legacy. This is still a work in progress for the Swift 3.0 release sometime late next year.

Anyone else here been tinkering with Swift, or have gone farther and integrated it into their day to day use?