Just gotta say, I dont think there is any better group of people than those on this board. Talk about a rallying point!

One person mentions they would like to develop a site and people around the world help with it at no cost (yet). And all in the aid of helping other people get the best out of their new toy.
Really great to see folks.

BTW I can do some image adjustment and layout stuff. Should we divvy up teams to work on different parts of the site?
Although people have been wanting to develop their own sites, is this something everyone can collaborate on? We would definately need a credits page.

Just thought of another heading. empeg meets! we need one section for planning and one section for reports and photos.

Murray 06000047
ust increasing my post count
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?