Do you folks have recommendations about where I should go to learn more about networking? I feel like I have a decent grasp of the basics, but there's a ton of stuff I still need to know. To apply a college metaphor to it, I feel like I have a 200-level understanding that covers me for pretty much any residential network, and most very small businesses, but from time to time I butt against the edges of that knowledge.

Here's an example. In the other thread I started recently I talked about a church that I do work for. I'm able to handle the day to day activities of the staff that works there most of the week. They have very basic needs that don't require a server or anything too fancy. However, I have no idea how to handle a full sanctuary, mostly from a DHCP standpoint. I don't know much about subnets and how to physically or programmatically set them up to support a large number of people.

That's the kind of knowledge I'm looking for, and I'm not sure where to find it.