Originally Posted By: snowcrash
At work running 3 mirrored ZFS storage systems on OmniOS (http://omnios.omniti.com/) hosting about 64TB and, allowing for OpenSolaris learning curve, a super outcome and value. Farewell EMC, NetApp, Apple smile

Very cool. Personally, my former DEC/Compaq/HP storage days has me applauding the farewell smile

Apple dipping their toe into that space again during the second Job's era was interesting to watch. Their 1U server designs were a good first attempt, with some major flaws. They seemed to address those quicker then some other companies. Back then, I was helping a Mac reseller understand them, along with the weaknesses that could be shored up with some 3rd party equipment.

I was curious to see where they could go with SAN technology. My particular Mac Pro that is still running today had a lot of options for adding fibre cards and the XSan software when it was bought in 2008. The XServer RAID though only really got to the basic level that the MSA1000 did for Compaq.