Originally Posted By: jmwking
And a backup on a drive not usually connected to the machine! Won't help if your external drive with your backup files gets encrypted, too.
I have two external drives used only for backups that are always physically connected, but are only powered up during actual backups and the [very] occasional retrieval of a file.

Am I right in thinking that this gives me at least some additional measure of protection? I also have two external drives that are only backed up a few times a year that are kept off-premises in a closet at my neighbor's house for ultimate emergencies. I have no "mission critical" information on my computer, but I do have a lot of data (~4 TB, photos, correspondence, tax info, etc.) that I would be pretty unhappy to lose. Nothing that would change my life if I lost it, but there would be inconveniences...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"