Originally Posted By: Archeon
Originally Posted By: Dignan
You can't delete it.

Outlook needs a local PST for storing everything other than the email. IMAP doesn't support contacts or calendars, so that information gets stored in a personal PST file.

You can't delete it? I'll take your word for it (and fully believe it, giving my experience with other MS products), but that sounds awfully strange to me! My coworker doesn't user a calander in Outlook. Not does he use a contacts list or any other feature, apart from the basic mail.

So the only option would be to delete Outlook and re-install it, just to get rid of that entry that is completely useless and takes up space on the screen (ok, not that much, but still...) ? How stupid!

This is another one of these occasions where I'm soooooooo glad I'm using Thunderbird! Combined with my domain on a Google Apps account, this is a golden combination. If I re-install my stuff, all I need to do is re-install Thunderbird, enter my account settings and voila: everything's back. Priceless.

By the way, this sort of simplicity was also the reason I used Eudora for that long: you could simply copy the Eudora folder to a new system, put a link to the eudora.exe in the start menu and everything would work fine. Also priceless... But of course, that was still POP3 (IMAP never worked very well with Eudora).

Except Thunderbird doesn't do a bunch of things that Outlook does. For an IMAP only user though it's probably great. Everything's not back with your Thunderbird example I don't think. Where are your contacts stored?

Reinstalling won't help you. You need that local PST with calendar/contacts etc no matter what you do and an IMAP account on its own can't do that.
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