Another thing to consider is... what is your financial situation? Would buying the new computer now, then buying the new model when it is available, be a serious strain monetarily? Are you trapped in the mindset of "What is the most fiscally responsible thing to do?" as opposed to "What would most enhance my productivity even if it costs more?"

If we waited for the absolutely optimal time to buy from a fiscally conservative point of view, we'd still be running Windows 3.0 on a '386 with four megabytes of RAM, because there will always be something newer and shinier just over the horizon.

IF you are in a position to do so, you should buy the new computer now and enjoy it, sell it when the newer, shinier one comes out, and swallow the monetary loss. A year from you you'll never miss that $800 (or whatever) and meantime you'll have had the joy and productivity of the current hardware.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"