Originally Posted By: JBjorgen
That's for two months, but we were living on the edge of DAC for several months and then in December with all the Christmas lights and tree, etc.. we went over and wow! the bill more than doubled for just a few more kwh than before.
For the majority of people on this bbs (at a guess, I'd say all but the two of us!) there is no understanding of what DAC really means.

It doesn't mean that for that one month with the Christmas tree lights you paid a penalty. It means that for however long it takes, every subsequent bill will be at the DAC rate until the total usage over the 11 previous months plus the current month adds up to less than 3,000 KWh. This is made even more complicated by the bi-monthly billing, so that even if your total annual usage at the end of December totaled 3001 KWh, you couldn't get out of DAC until the end of February.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"