And I see Risk here.

Is this like your Implode?

There are a zillion tower defense games, but I've not played one in ages, so I don't have any to recommend, aside from something like Plants vs Zombies.

Now, if you can't see the apps that Christian and I have linked on your phone, it's possible that they aren't available for your phone, which is up to the developer. Games are usually the last things to see approval for new hardware (not that the 6P is new at this point), since there's more variables to look out for. Sometimes they only aim for the most popular phones, and other times I wonder if they forget about the Nexus devices.

Wells Fargo is the worst when it comes to writing their app for new phones. I can't remember exactly, but I believe it was four months before I could use it on my 5X, which is a huge problem when you earn your living from a series of checks and you don't want to go to the bank every time. Of course, their app is garbage in general but I still want it on my phone...