I've occasionally seen suggestions that if Apple boosted the 16GB model up to 32GB that they'd have a supply issue, in that there'd not be enough 32GB chips for them to buy.
However, given that no one apart from Apple really knows how many 16GB phones they sell, I'm not sure I place much faith on such stories

I know quite a few people who own 16GB iPhones and don't seem to have a problem with running out of space. More of an issue normally is Apple's 5GB free iCloud storage limit. I've had loads of silly arguments with people over that:
- they bring me their phone saying they'd had warnings about the iCloud storage space for months
- I find they are out of space and iCloud backup has therefore not run for ages (Apple gives you plenty of warning about this)
- I explain that they either need to delete some stuff or pay Apple the modest £0.79 a month to move to 50GB tier
- they argue over the £0.79
- half of them opt to continue without backups rather than paying Apple £0.79 a month

Also, Apple
really should give you 5GB free per device, not 5GB per iCloud account.