Thanks, I'll take a look. Does grade support some sort of XML output for build logs? In other words, can I use it to make my life easier when parsing compiler output?

I implemented threads in my JVM yesterday, I have a few opcodes left to implement but they're simple ones and are going to be a cut and paste of other things. Also implemented the garbage collector as well.

I should point out, that I'm extremely limited, the heap (and heap manager) is set up for 20 kilobytes, so when I say it's for use on a constrained system it really is. (Although it is an STM32 running at 160Mhz)

I have a lot of stuff going on, RTOS, USB stack, Bluetooth stack, modem stack, GPS, our own IO peripheral system not to mention the current VM which is going to be replaced and finally the DSP section which is a what the product is all about.

I've still got a load of RAM free, so will take more of that for the JVM at a later stage.