I received this update on March 8 from OWC.
Thank you again for your OWC Thunderbolt 3 Dock pre-order. I appreciate your patience as we work towards shipping. After returning from Intel's latest Thunderbolt meeting in Taiwan, I can confirm we're now expecting mid-April delivery. Full disclosure, there is a slight possibility this date could slip into early May due to the ongoing certification process. I am personally engaged in this process and working hard towards April delivery.

No other Thunderbolt 3 Dock is going to come close in style, performance and flexibility. With a single 40Gb/s Type C cable it enables access to 13 high-performance ports in addition to power delivery to charge your laptop and connected devices. It's also the only Thunderbolt 3 Dock to support FireWire 800.

I must admit to not fully researching the chipset(s) being used for the various ThunderBolt 3 docks, but perhaps there is only a single chipset vendor, Intel. If so, it may still be early days regarding what will be docks will be available when and with which exact capabilities.

I don't think any of the Thunderbolt 3 docks with PD are shipping yet. Not sure about USB-C docks with PD.

Edited by K447 (21/03/2017 00:13)