Oh dear.
The Windows File History feature failed to backup some of my data.
I like the "just backup the files as they are approach", but it can run into trouble on Windows in some cases. In this case it couldn't backup some of my files to the network share, because it hit the annoying Windows maximum file path limit.
There are some files on my Windows 10 machine that are in folders that pushes them close to the Windows MAX_PATH limit. Putting those files/folders onto a file share that starts //nexus/misc/backups/beast pushes them over the limit.
It doesn't help that within that network path that I pointed Windows at, it then adds "/andy/BEAST/Data/C" to the path before finally storing the files.
Of course many people will never run into this limit, but when you do there is no real way of fixing it

For those who are wondering, the party responsible for the crazy deep folder hierarchy is node.js (I know they've done some work to improve the situation recently to help Windows out).