Thanks for all your help, Mark! And thanks for the new kernel!

After remounting the drives RO/ROM and loading up Emplode, it tries to rebuild its databases and gives me a warning saying that the length of playlist "Out of Time" does not match what was expected.

When I look at that playlist in Emplode (it is the R.E.M. album), I see that it has three fewer songs now than what I would have expected. Looking at the FID numbers in Emplode for the song files, I see that we're indeed in the range of numbers that got the Status Timeout errors:

-- 0xb2a0 Playlist: "Out of Time"
01 0xb2d0 Radio Song
02 0xb2e0 Losing my Religion
03 0xb2f0 Low

xx xxxxxx MISSING: Near Wild Heaven
xx xxxxxx MISSING: Endgame
xx xxxxxx MISSING: Shiny Happy People

07 0xb330 Belong
08 0xb340 Half a World Away
09 0xb350 Texarkana
10 0xb360 Country Feedback
11 0xb370 Me in Honey

I'm probably going to just delete and re-upload the whole album from scratch, just to be sure, and then that should take care of it.

Thanks again!
Tony Fabris