Well, I solved it... by switching to a Samsung S8.

I must say: I like this device. A lot! The screen is incredible. Crystal clear and very sharp. I also like Android itself. it immediately fixed two of my concerns I had with iOS, regarding Bluetooth in the car using multiple devices (doesn't really matter - though I'm happy it's fixed now

There's just one thing I want to ask, I'm pretty sure Matt will know the answer to this. With my iPhone, I always set to switch on the side to "on", which killed all sounds coming from the phone. It did still vibrate on receiving a call, text, mail etc... this was fine for me. When I played a music file myself, that still worked as expected. I'm mean, it's not like the entire phone was muted, only for incoming stuff.
Android phones don't have such a switch. Is it possible to set this somewhere in the software? I already found the "do not disturb" function, but that is not exactly what I'm looking for.