We recently purchased a 1930 brick house, though the furnace is newer - it dates from the late 80s. While replacing the natural gas furnace is on our todo list, it will be a few more years before we replace it with something more efficient - unless it ups and dies...

In the mean time, does it make sense to replace the two thermostats with something smarter? Can I expect a pair of ecobee3 or NestE and some room sensors to eek out some energy savings? I can get either thermostat for a subsidized $50, but room would need to pay full price for room sensors.

Info list
  • Currently using two basic two wire (R & W) thermostates
  • The two floors each have their own thermostat in the hallways.
  • Hot water baseboard runs along most of the outside wall.
  • Schedule wise I work a 9-5 at the office, with my wife home with our two school aged kids.
  • Her schedule would vary, as would location within the house. WAF would require it to "just work".

Is it worth it? Would the ecobee3 or NestE be the better option, and why? Thx

Edited by Phoenix42 (02/07/2018 01:43)