Sorry to join the thread late ... I've been off the forum for a while; my car order was delayed due to Ford deciding they're not making any of the 2000 models, so I have to wait until the Autumn (Fall) to get a 2001 model. I digress ...

I've been using WMA format at 128bit, ripping CDs to my new dedicated multimedia and phone server - it's hooked up to my Marantz/Mission stereo with a wireless keyboard and 53" TV for a monitor ;-) It rips at about 6x speed and on a blind WMA/CD test, I couldn't tell the difference in a home environment, so it's going to be fine for the rag-top.

I see that the empeg will later support the WMA format ... my question is will there be any track info when I import the files, or will I have to rerip them all? There's obviously something getting stored as Media Player 7 has full track, album and artist details logged.

Here's a thought ... I have cars in both the US and the UK that I'd like to empeg enable. I can get cradles for them both, sure, but what about the 6 hour flight? Can I get a battery pack? Lead acid batteries aren't allowed on the plane. ;-)
