DeveloperPerson put a bugfix into the development branch. They're on Singapore time so they're asleep now. I want that bugfix into the release candidate and master branches too, without waiting for the gitflow merges to happen. I need the bugfix in those branches now to unblock continuous test runs on those branches.

Normally I'd just ask DeveloperPerson to cherry pick those fixes into the desired branches, but they're asleep.

If I cherry pick those fixes in myself (either using git cherry-pick at the command line, or pressing the "cherry pick" button on the user interface), who is the code owner of those code lines, as seen by "git blame"? Is the code considered to be from DeveloperPerson, or from me? I'm afraid to do it because I don't want my name on that bugfix.

I've googled and looked at the docs but I can't really find a clear answer.
Tony Fabris