Time to renew my home server is approaching.
The new server will certainly have USB-C w/ Thunderbolt 3.0 capability.

Ideally, I wonder if an External USB-C Thunderbolt 3.0 HDD box that accommodates 4 or 5 disks makes sense. To make sense to me, it should

1. Expose the disks individually to the OS, so I can build some RAID arrays with them at the OS level
2. Allow hot swap (but, I can live without it)
3. Offer all needed bandwidth.
4. Be reliable. Good quality box. Nothing cheap that fails after 1 year. I am OK to spend more to have some peace of mind.

Do you guys know if such a thing exists? Theoretical Thunderbolt 3.0 bandwidth makes me think that such a thing could exist.

Any recommendation is welcome.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg