I still have the USB problem, but I will have to be pretty low-visibility for a few weeks.
I just returned home from a short hospital stay where I had back surgery to correct the problem of recurring sciatica. Technically, I'm getting old [76 years now] and it is normal that the discs in my spinal column have compressed with age, to the point where the disc between L4 and L5 had shrunk enough that the sciatic nerve was pinched where it exits the spine.
The surgery was totally successful, I have no more sciatica, I am completely mobile and out of pain, I still use stairs by preference over elevators. But... my neurosurgeon absolutely prohibits me from bending over too far or lifting anything heavier than my fingernails. Total 100% recovery will take about six weeks where I can then hike in the mountain ride my mountain bike, spend hours working hard in my kayak. But I have to build up to that gradually.
There is no way I can drag my 200+ pound computer hutch out from the wall to play with USB cables, so I have to take a bit of a holiday from my USB problem.
You have been warned:
I will be back!