I have the room to mount the empeg under the existing deck in the free "DIN". The wiring was my greatest concern at this point.Oh, jeez, then you're all set. Having a free DIN space makes it easy. You just need to choose which unit is the last one in the chain: Your head unit or the Empeg. I liked Rob's suggestion: Using the Empeg as the last one in the chain so that you can make use of its incredibly powerful equalizer.
Many times people jump into my car with a CD that they would like to listen to. Especially for long trips; with no time to rip everything into mp3 format and download.You have a good point. That's literally the
only drawback of the Empeg- the fact that you can't stick a CD directly into the thing. I know a friend who says that he likes being able to rip the cellophane off of a new CD and stick it into his car player as soon as he gets out of the record store. That's his rationale for not buying an Empeg.
But you know what? It's not really a drawback. You see, I never buy my CDs at a record store anyway. I buy them from amazon.com. And when the UPS man arrives, I just stick them straight into the computer and begin ripping them (the CD's, not the UPS man

And besides, it won't be a drawback for long. One day, we'll be buying our music online and
directly downloading it to our computers, skipping the UPS man completely. Then the balance will shift and a direct-connect device like the Empeg will be an
advantage instead of a drawback. Everyone else will still be burning their custom CDs on their burners, while I've already downloaded my tunes into the Empeg and I'm off and listening to them on the road.
The music business is a-changin'. Mark my words, you'll see. We'll be buying our music direcly from the artists online, without the sticky mess of a record company getting between the listeners and the artists. We'll buy it by-the-song instead of by-the-album, too. You can already buy a They Might Be Giants album in this fashion...
Tony FabrisEmpeg #144