The question you raise is more complex than it would appear at first glance, because there are many different "flavors" of MP3 recording. The quality is directly proportional to the bit rate at which you record, and those rates range from 96kbit to 320kbit, and maybe even lower/higher, I'm not that much of an authority on MP3. The amount of compression you get is in direct inverse linear relationship to the recording rate. The empeg uses a default 128kbit rate (giving about a 12:1 compression rate), but will play other rates as well. The empeg also supports playback of MP2 compressed files, which from everything I have heard, are to all measurable purposes lossless, and have a compression rate of 6:1. Twice the quality, double the storage. Hard drive space is cheap - go for the quality!

Frankly, this is a question that I have not answered to my own satisfaction yet. I will wait and read a lot of empeg reviews before I am convinced that the sound quality will be up to my preferred standards. Being #8741 on the waiting list, I have plenty of time to decide.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"