
And if you do get a hub, definitly look into the ones that can also do internet sharing and such. I've been very impressed with the ones I have seen and worked with, almost to the point of replacing my dedicated Linux server with one.

I must second this. I especially liked the SMC barricade router/switch/printserver solution. It is not only capable of sharing the internet access between 4 or 7 PCs (depending on the model) directly or up to 253 PCs through additional hubs/switches, but also supports quite a variety of internet access solutions (PPP over Ethernet like used by many DSL connections, direct ethernet,...) but also automatic fallback to a dialup line if a modem is connected to its serial port (and the barricade is configured to do so). Also it provides a print server for one parallel printer (and additionally one serial one if the fallback functionality is not needed IIRC), basic firewall functionality, a DHCP server,... Also, it has a true switch built in, which is capable of at least handling 4 ports at full speed (100Mbit full duplex). The uplink port is 10Mbit only though, and I don't know if all 7 ports of the bigger model could be run at full speed concurrently.
I almost replaced my Linux server with it, but then I realized that I still needed the linux server 24/7 for file serving purposes, so I sold my barricade router again.


proud MkII owner (12GB blue/green/smoked, was #080000113 is #090001010)
proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord