I've been thinking about this problem, as the screen on my empeg is a bit low down to see when in the car (stopped or driving)

My first idea is to run a daemon on the empeg which dumps the whole screen out the serial port (probably not at full framerate though) to some other screen.

However, a neater idea would be some hooks in the player (empeg have said there will be an api for some player stuff) to dump the track title, and time to a 1 or 2 line lcd screen (like all the pc in the boot (trunk) people are using).
If the menus are being displayed, then the active menu could be shown instead of the track title..
The search boxes could be a pain, and I've not thought about controls (I can use the remote fine where it is, although I see no reason for some buttons on the new screen.)

Anyway, it's something I want to try at some point, but I've got to get my c and hardware coding up to par first... =)

(List 112, S/N 00030, 4 gig blue)
Jazz (List 112, Mk2 42 gig #40. Mk1 4 gig #30. Mk3 1.6 16v)