You're unlikely to be able to get something as full-featured (and usable both at home and in-car) from anyone else in the forseeable future. You're very unlikely to be able to buy something which is as tweakable, or which has features such as ethernet and a readily available shell prompt.
The reason why the above is unlikely is that things like the empeg-car don't often make it past accountants; our secret was to get Steve brainwashed early on :)
Both Pioneer and Sony have shown consumer in-car jukeboxes which will be launched next year; neither has the organisational flexibility of the empeg-car. Neither can be used at home. Neither has ethernet. Both may well have many SDMI-esque restrictions - but both are usable without needing a PC, and have amps and tuners onboard. From what I've seen, both will also be more expensive than the empeg-car.
I can't say that something else won't come out - technology moves onwards constantly. If you wait a year, you will have been missing out for a year on what many users have (and love) now.