Any pointers apart from it locking up on the logo screen? There was a problem fixed back int he beta6/7 days which had the same symptoms

Finally found time to log back into this web BBS thingy and try to navigate the posts :)

Yeah things were much worse back then, and indeed i think it was beta6 that fixed most of it for me. But a recent build seems to have broken it a little. It doesn't happen as often but it does still happen.

I've got two symptoms that might be related.

1) In the car. This happens occasionaly, hasn't happen for a few weeks, but then i haven't driven my car much in the last few weeks (riding the old bike to work, keeping fit for the approaching ski season ). It seems to happen more often on particulary hot days, but down here at the bottom of new zealand just up from antartica it doesn't get that hot, rarely above 30 deg C in summer, so if it were that i'd expect people a little closer to the equator to see it more...

Anyway what happens is i turn the car on, usually the first boot is fine. Now either i'm in accessory at this stage (engine not running) eg to listen to music while everyone gets into the car, or i've been driving round with it playing fine, then i stop the engine (eg to fill up with petrol) leave it in accessory so the empeg keeps on playing fine without intrruption, then start the engine to drive away. So everones loaded in, or i'm all filled up with petrol so i start the engine... damn the empeg didn't boot. In my car the empeg always does a full reboot when i start the engine. So i pull it out of the sled, and push it back in 5 seconds later, sometimes it boots, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, particulary when it is hot, i have to leave it for 5 mins or so before it will boot.

This is not the same symtoms i was seeing in beta 4/5. In those days the empeg logo would come up on the display and then it would stop, the problem i am having now is that it doesn't even get that far. Sometimes i get no indication of life at all,othertimes the blue led comes on and stays on forever, until i pull it out of the sled (or switch the car off). Usually no more than 3 removals from from the sled and reinsertions are required, but like i said, sometimes it seems like it's never gonna boot and i just leave it for 5 minutes.

2) Second problem is much more reproduceable.
Take the emeg inside and plug it into the supplied AC adaptor. Empeg boots and works fine. Remove power. Wait 10 seconds, insert power, 50% chance the empeg won't boot. Same symptoms as in 1) sometimes blue led displays, sometimes nothing. Sometime removing and reapplying power fixes it, sometimes i need to leave it for 5-10 mintues. (This actually happend to me the first day i ever used my brand new empeg, thought it was bust, by when i took it home from work and plugged it in, it worked, seemed to fix itself during the 30minute rest while i took it home)

Of course murphy has come stepped in. I just tried following my step of instructions in 2) and it boots everytime. So it seems to be intermittent. I'll try to make good notes of the curcumstances next time it happens.