In light of recent events, I've just ordered a Mk2a (I'll never call it RioCar anymore...). Anyway, I've got about 8 gigs of music on my Mk1(split over 2 drives), and most of it isn't backed up (at least not in the same place), so I'd like to copy all the FIDs from the Mk1 to the Mk2. I have no problem swapping in one drive at a time and manually copying the FID directories, but my question is whether this is my only option. I know it wouldn't REALLY void the warranty on the rest of the unit to temporarily put in a second drive, but have upgraders in the past found a better way to keep the same music without opening the case the first day out of the box?
Can I use EmpegTaxi to pull back the entire FID directories with wildcards from the Mk1, or do I have to set up a script to do it? Is there a transfer size limitation in EmpegTaxi?

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
_~= Dearing =~_
Gettin' back into it thanks to slimrio!