Well, think of the inevitable scenario.
X Million downloads of the player. Everyone plays with it for a little while and then - they start getting impatient. So, they use the last version of emplode to try downloading tracks to test out the new WAV and WRM playback, and other things. Ooops. Protocol mismatches. Player expects different emplode behaviour. Errors start popping up, people beseige the board with questions that have resulted from the problems caused by the mismatches. Extra (unneccessary) work for the team and support, which stops them getting on with their normal scheduled work, ie. fixing emplode bugs.
Even worse, someone trashes a partition and looses an entire collection, which they have (inevitably) not backed up, or were about to. Angst, fear, loathing. 2.0 B1 gets a bad rap and rep, just because it was released prematurely.
I'm sure the guys will release it when they are confident there is nothing nasty waiting....

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...