TiVo rules. I have a Sony SAT-T60 and Philips DSR6000 DirecTiVo units. Both have the newest software that enables dual tuner. TiVo is the best TV related invention since the TV itself. And, dual tuner TiVo is almost as revolutionary.

One thing to note about UltimateTV is that in the on-screen guide, you get 2 ad banners shoved down your throat. Thanks MicroShaft!

While DirecTiVo units are generally slower than a regular DirecTV receiver, UltimateTV units are slower still. By slow I mean changing channels and navigating menus.

There are pros to UltimateTV though. AFAIK UTV can encode analog inputs to the hard drive and UTV is able to do picture in picture. The first is not important to me as I get my locals through DirecTV. The second is compelling, and it is likely that TiVo would not be able to implement it on the current hardware.

UltimateTV is expensive (I think $500). I got my Philips unit for $99 NEW alla this thread. If there was ever a time to get TiVo it is now!

-Rob R
12GB MK2 Blue 090000736 (6166 in the queue)
10GB "Backup" MK2a Blue 030102953
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736