Had a similar lockup in the car today.

First sign of trouble was that I noticed no beeps when switching tracks from the remote, but the front panel worked OK.

I had been generally abusing the Tweak Order functions, collecting up tracks by pressing '2' repeatedly, letting a few play, then blasting them away by holding '2'.

Earlier, I'd also cycled through the visuals looking to see which ones had problems with the paused radio. (And, if there are persistent effects, I'd booted up with the radio active, and had to cycle to the player and back to get things working right.)

The interface went dead, not responding to either the Rio remote or the front panel. I was on Info:Line or Transient (don't remember) with O'scope Terra. The visual looked like it was responding, though not much, and the text was frozen, but did update when the track changed. Player kept playing happily. When I turned off the car, the player stayed on and playing.

I'll try to reproduce, but this looks like a real gremlin.

Mk.I #0150 10GB
RioCar #010101243 10GB (96GB here I come...)
Mk.IIa #010101243 currently getting a 500GB SSD. More spares in the shed.