When first activating a playlist on the player, the first track begins playing, and the sound is very jittery (stop-start-stop-start..) as the hard drive whirrs away, presumably doing read-ahead. If I pause until the drive stops being accessed, and then continue, no more jitters. Ditto if I just backarrow to replay the once-jittered song after the drive stops seeking.

I'm noticing this on the initial load of the player from a cold boot state.

As well...

I've noticed it once or twice when I completely dump the players memory and have to reload from disk. Everytime it's happened, the Disk indicator is accessing. Casual playing doesn't seem to cause it, but if it appears like if the player needs alot of data, the decoder takes a second place...

Synergy [orange]mk2, 42G: [blue] mk2a, 10G[/blue][/green] I tried Patience, but it took too long.