I'd like to see someone test Audioactive's MP3 encoder, or the Fraunhofer MP3 encoder. These are supposed to be the best MP3 encoders available (they'd better be, at the prices they're being sold at), so I'd like to hear what an audiophile with some high-quality sound equipment says about these encoders.
I can send an "expanded demo" (cough) to anyone who's willing to do a test like this. AudioCatalyst worked well for me, and it's fast, but with a SB32 and Sennheiser 545 headphones, I'm not really justified in critiquing MP3 quality (it's all the same to me, the computer fans kind of drown out the nuances).
Just give me a buzz on ICQ (4910633) if you can do this test and need the encoder. No, I'm not going to send this stuff to any other warez collectors, this is purely for testing purposes.