I'm going to try and add to my web site day by day, so there will be sections on the non-audio parts too, as well as the audio wiring, etc.

I was also a bit concerned about the amp overheating, but the installers seemed to think it would be fine and so far there has been no problem at all. I've sat in traffic for hours and neither the car nor the audio has overheated. The sides of the false floor are not an airtight fit, so some ventilation comes in there as the floor extends in a square, leaving the side areas free. However, the boot lid seals very tightly and I purposefully left the usual MG badge off so that we didn't have to make any holes in the lid where potential leaks might occur over time. I would've thought that wouldn't allow for much ventilation, but they really seemed to think I'd be ok - it's something I specifically asked about. There is a lot of space around the amp , above and to the side, so perhaps this helps. If we did have problems I would just install a little fan in either side of the false floor. But so far so good....