If I'm not mistaken, there is a fair amount of room under the rear bench seat of the Explorer (even prior to the '95 remodeling). I would say that that is an excellent place for even a large amp (or two, one on each side). You can run the wires to the empeg under the carpet along either the main tunnel (housing the drive shaft), or along the door sills under the carpet there. Another reason this is an optimal location is this: the bolts for the rear bench bolt *directly* to the frame of the car...scrape some paint (if it's even necessary) and you have the ultimate ground. You can cover it all up with the carpet and not see a thing (more theft-resistant). If you are going to be generating an obscene amount of heat (driving subs or what-have-you), you can cut very neat holes in the carpet to fit around the amps and allow them to radiate. Even this setup is very low visibilty as it is under the bench and the rear windows are fairly well tinted. Doesn't interfere with power front buckets either. Wire length should not be a problem, if it is for some reason, just buy heavier wire ;)
