We're probably getting too far away from the original function of the app for answers that will help me (though I'm learning new stuff about SQL, and that's always good). Due to the dynamic nature of the orignal app and the way I have SQL statements being generated, I'm not sure I'm in a position to implement some of the more advanced techniques here. I might have to start over and rewrite the app keeping this limitation in mind, as I wasn't expecting this to be a problem when I started writing the app. I'm too used to having MySQL's LIMIT keyword which allows me to specify the starting row and number of rows returned, right in the SQL statement. I wonder why something that straightforward isn't built into most other DB servers (or standard SQL for that matter).

Firehose cursors...hmm..you learn something new everyday.

- Chris
32GB MK2 090000664 Smoke
Queue # 2 (who the heck was 1?)
- Chris Orig. Empeg Queue position 2