tanstaafl: "There are some people on this board..."


Well you've got at least one person (and I expect a few others) searching the markup list for "blush" (to no avail). 'Course, 2-300 others are probably groaning "Geez, Doug, don't encourage Hogan!!!"

Most seriously, it's very gratifying to read your post. I've had windbag leanings long enough that I'm not amazed if anyone (as with spam) hits the big "D" key, but I have to admit that it is nice to know that you felt even some of the windier bits worth reading.

Lest anyone mistakenly took me seriously, I am NOT planning on posting Moby Dick! Honest!

I did, however, jump some responses in the XP vein to a more fitting OT Resting Place!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.