I am having problems with Emplode running on Win 2K .It keeps reporting that it cannot find the player

It should work fine under Windows 2000. Mine does.

Do you have any Little Yellow Boo Boo icons in the Windows Device manager with the player plugged in?

Also, it might be worth a try to downgrade to 1.03 and see if it solves your problem (if so, report it in the Bug Reports forum).

also wheni upload music the files are uploaded but do not appear under the playlists from the player play list menu , but if you use the remote and use the search function for groups the files are found.

You must create playlists within emplode before they will appear in the playlists menu.

In a future release of the software, you will be able to play the "unattached" songs from the player's main menu, without needing playlists.
Tony Fabris