Good for you!

Erm... I sold mine for $650 last month, but of course that was the jukebox version of the Neo 35, with remote and all other stuff.
That USB home bay, is that the Neo 45 you're talking about? If you add that to the package, I would think you should be able to get $500 for it. Then whip up $200 onto that and tadaaaa : Riocar!

The width of the fascia is standard DIN size. If your Taurus can host a standard DIN aftermarket headunit, the Riocar will fit. If you want exact measurements, that's 18.6cm by 5.6 cm (or 7.3" by 2.2").

No problem, and I'm not only doing this for the sake of proving to you that the Empeg community really is the better one!
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup