I do have two USB devices typically installed on my system. An APC Back-UPS pro 500, and a MS Intellimouse Optical. Both work fine, but I did have to unplug one of them to connect the empeg. (I chose the UPS)

Also, when I first connected the unit via USB, a popup window in the system tray told me Windows had detected new hardware, and that it was installing the drivers for it. It detected it as a "Rio Car", gave me a warning that the drivers had not passed XP certification, and asked me if I was sure I wanted them to be installed. I said yes. Now that I think about, I have no idea where it got the suposed drivers from, or what exactly they were. I have since unpluged and repluged the unit via USB, and do not get the popups anymore.

Little Yellow Boo Boo Icons-

Yes, I do have 1 "Unknown Device", but as far as I know, this is the TV tuner/Extra Shwag of my 3DFX VooDoo 3500. This showed up when I installed the latest psudo 3DFX WinXP drivers, that do not have TV out support. As a side note, everything else does seem to be working with the card, including glide.

Other Connections-

Yes, Ethernet and serial both appear to be working fine.
MK2 in an Impreza 2.5RS