Speak now, or generate your own kernel patches until Christmas..

Okay this isn't directed at Mark, it's more directed at everyone who's doing userland development. This kernel patch is basically the Rosetta Stone for Empeg development. We now have the key to accessing the display, taking input, and selecting menu options, all while the player is running. I think we can now start to put together the rest of the puzzle and knock down some of the things that have impeded development so far.

With this in mind, I think the next step is a vector graphics library which writes to the soon-to-be-mmap'ed hijack display buffer. Awhile back in this post a guy named brianosaurus said he had successfully ported the GD library to the Empeg and had it working pretty well. Unfortunately this was his only post to the BBS this entire year, and he hasn't been back since. He also doesn't have his email visible in his profile... (Tony, any chance you can see it with your moderator powers?) This sounds like it might work... But if we can't get that, or it's not the right solution, there needs to be some consistent graphics API for user developers to use.. I'm just not smart enough to write my own vector graphics routines. Anyone have any ideas?

The custom init dispatcher is another big piece of the puzzle, but until that happens, there's nothing very much wrong with each app binding to the menu on its own. Besides I just ordered a MkIIa so I'll have an extra 4MB to play with. :)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff