Yes, it's true; my brother told me about Drakino's request about four days after I have broken a long drough of not mixing at all. It's an ambient mix, more relaxed than a chillout but still not completely void. And I just came up with the perfect ending to it, so I'm happy with it again.

If anyone has space for about 60MB of mix (~160kbps VBR) then I'd gladly upload it. The big warning is that the bandwidth usage for these mixes can be extreme - I think we had about ten people simultaneously downloading it from the last site it was hosted at (whose owner's name I can no longer remember, sorry :-)), most of them with cable modems. Then after a week it died off and after a month or two it was very rare to find any activity on it at all. Anyone wanting to host the entire collection can expect about 600MB of files total. For those more desperate for an individual copy, sending me money via PayPal (to [email protected]) and an address will get you a burnt CD with all my mixes to date :-)

I hope all those artists appreciate the money I've paid buying these albums so I can end up promoting their work.

A full track listing will be available when I have finished it and some kind person has donated some space for it.

As usual, email me on the above address with any comments, suggestions or greets.

Have fun,

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550