Okay, I realize that I'm careening wildly off-topic, but....

Soap operas have always been, at least partially, centered around the bad guys. And in The Sopranos, they cheat. The ``good'' bad guys seem to just be doing it because it's their job, and it's often glossed over. Tony's therapy sessions even seem to be largely about him trying to reconcile his ``good'' and ``bad'' sides. The ``bad'' bad guys are often over-the-top and maniacal. It's like watching wrestling these days. Of course, my friend is also into that, as well. <sigh>

And your argument about being well constructed doesn't sit well with me, either. I can have a piece of furniture that's made of the highest quality woods, be lovingly handcrafted, display the most attractive marquetry, and last hundreds of years, but if it doesn't hold my clothes, it's useless. (I know -- it's a pretty forced metaphor.)

I don't know. I realize I'm arguing something that's totally subjective here, but usually I can see what other people admire in something, even if I don't agree with it. But I just don't get that feeling here.

I seem to be in rant mode lately. Sorry. Bummed about the lack of job prospects, I suppose. Somebody wanna give me one? I make a good first impression, don't I?
Bitt Faulk