Well, with (so cool) version 2.00-beta3 loaded on the new Mk2a "backup" I am progressively trying to clean up past sins in my earlier, rushed ripping/encoding of CDs. I have reconciled all misspelled and duplicate artist names and eliminated all leading instances of "The". Soundtracks are now Soundtracks and have real artist info. Life is good.
Aside from a plug for 2.00-beta3, the plug is for MP3 Tag Studio (from www.magnusbrading.com). I think it is mentioned in one of the FAQs, but I couldn't resist a little additional plug/bump. The initial adware behavior was a pain, but it took me only about a day to decide to spend the $19 to register. Much better now. I've used it to mass-fix truncated titles/albums and years, get those accented characters back in titles, fine-tune genre info and lots of other stuff. If the existing track info was already correct, I'll just re-edit the year to "touch" each mp3 and synch v1 and v2 tag info.
I should feel as good about every other $19 I've ever spent! End of plug...
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.