EDIT: (per Archeon's reply):

If you look, he was actually following up to fasttrack, who said he worked for IBM, yet still couldn't find a good deal for a 2.5" drive here in Toronto. :)

I ordered one this afternoon from OWC (www.macsales.com) which is primarily a Mac-oriented store. They do ship to Canada, which cost me $22.67 via FedEx overnight (which takes 2-5 days - nice naming convention). And the drive was an IBM 30GB (30GN series) for $195. Places like www.newegg.com have them for $152 or so, but only for people in the US (including Alaska and Hawaii).

There used to be a service run by borderfree.com which was a 3rd party shopping basket that you could use at these types of places, but they've stopped that service and now only promote their affiliate stores - kind of makes the entire borderfree.com site useless.

I afterwards remembered that a friend works for IBM here, so I also emailed him to see if he could get any kind of deals. After reading the above message, I won't hold my breath. :)

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