the FAQ was excellent.

i actually upgraded two units; on the first, i added a 30GB drive to the existing 10GB fujitsu. with the second, i replaced the 10GB drive with two new 30GB drives. i decided to venture into unknown territory by installing both new drives simultaneously, and see how the builder would handle it. in fact, it formats up both drives without a hitch. however, if the serial port output is to be believed, it only stress tests the first drive in the pair. i let it run a couple of hours, and it never seemed to touch the second drive at all.

nonetheless, i have loaded some music on that unit as well, and (other than known issues with timeouts under 2.0b3), it seems fine.

after playing with the 60GB unit for a couple of hours, my remote is no longer responding, even after reboots. i suppose that's another topic for another thread, though...
