I would wish the "g" to be inserted immediately following the one I was playing...

Me too. In fact, I was the one that started the "semi-flamewar on the alpha testers' mailing list" that Peter refers to. :-)

Just in case you haven't played with this enough to understand exactly what is going on... When you insert something into a playlist (either a song or another playlist) the next insertion you make goes at the end of the previously inserted item(s), not at the end of the currently playing song.

Dan Zimmerman and myself had an uphill battle to convince the guys@empeg to change this... then Tony reversed himself and threw in with Dan and I, and the empeg crew relented. I believe they still think we're wrong, but they gave in just to shut us up.

I cherish my small victories, and take them where I can find them!

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"